Monday, 1 August 2011

Split and arrange open windows

If you're looking for an easy way to divide or split your screen into multiple windows Winsplit Revolution is your answer. Using this small free utility you can quickly and easily split any open window in any recent version of Windows using shortcut keys and the number pad.

In the example picture above, you'll notice three windows, each numbered corresponding to how your number pad is laid out. Pressing the CTRL + ALT and any number on the number pad would arrange that window to the corresponding place on your screen. For example, if you wanted a small window in the top left corner of your screen you'd press CTRL + ALT + 7. If you wanted a large window on the full right-side of your screen you'd press CTRL + ALT + 6, and finally pressing CTRL + ALT + 5 would make that window full screen again.
This is a great utility for anyone who may have Windows 7 on one computer and enjoy the split screen feature first introduced with that version of Windows, but miss the feature in earlier version of Windows such as Windows XP or Vista.
This free utility is found at:

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